- Reception & telephone service
- General information
- Various application forms
- School grants
- Music school
- Access cards for the recycling center Hein
- Nightrider
- Management of parking lots “Gréin” and “Jongebësch”
Rodrigues ChiaraAccueil / RéceptionT.: 23 692 - 1
Costa MarioAccueil / Réception
Adresses utiles
Administration Communale de Remich
6, rue Enz
L-5532 Remich
Adresse postale:
B.P. 9
L-5501 RemichPhone: (+352) 23 69 2-1Opening hours
Monday - Thursday08:00-12:00 / 13:00-16:00Friday07:00-13:001st Wednesday of the month08:00-12:00 / 13:00-19:00