Waste managment


As of January 2017, the City of Remich offers separate collections for recyclable waste.

In addition to the recyclable waste collections, the residents of the city of Remich can also use the recycling center in Bech-Kleinmacher, which is reserved for access card holders only.

SIGRE also offers services in the domain of waste disposal and recycling, as well as the sale of compost.

At the SuperDrecksKëscht® you can dispose of problematic waste.

You can find all information in our waste guide.

Introduction of an identification system for waste containers

In order to enable accurate recording of waste quantities and to simplify inventory management for the municipality, the grey garbage cans (residual waste – trash cans and containers of all sizes) have been equipped with an electronic chip. Therefore, annual labels are no longer affixed to the bins.

The frequency with witch the garbage cans are taken out will be used together with their volume to calculate the quantities collected. This means the citizens themselves can positively influence the fees they will have to pay. Further information will be provided in due course.

In accordance with the legal provisions, the city council will set new municipal taxes at a later date. Until then, the current fees remain in force.

Information gathered with the chip respect data protection. The chip is passive, i.e., it can neither send nor store data.

If your gray garbage can/container does not yet have a chip and an identification label with a barcode, please contact the municipality to make an appointment: (+352) 621 243 902. As of July 4, garbage containers without a chip will no longer be emptied.